4 Tips for Taking a Group Class at the Gym for the First Time


Congratulations on deciding to join an exercise class. It could set the stage for a whole new you. To get the most benefit there are a few steps you should take first. Here are four tips for taking a group class at the gym for the first time.

1. Carefully Select the Right Class

Take your time to select the class ideal for you. Consider the exercise’s intensity, overall appeal, and structure.

Choose the Correct Intensity Level

Be honest about your fitness level. Are you a regular exerciser looking to enhance your workout routine? Perhaps, you’ve never been one to exercise, so this class will be the first time you’ve put physical demands on your body.

Whatever the case, you don’t choose a class based on false assumptions. It’s safer to select a class that won’t ask too much of you in the early stages.

Select an Activity That Appeals to You

You’re more likely to return to your class if its activity is something you enjoy. For example, if you’re looking for a good cardio workout, you don’t have to join a cycling class if you’re going to be bored.

It’s better to be honest, admitting you’d prefer a power dance class. The dopamine high you’ll receive will make missing class almost an impossibility.

Pick Your Classmates

What sort of classmates would make you most comfortable? Would you prefer a mixed-gender group or a single-gender class?

Is the average age of your group members important to you? Sometimes, there are specially designed classes for older ones.

2. Choose an Appealing Instructor

Your health club may post samples of its classes on social media. These videos could give you an idea of the personality and approach of the instructors.

What sort of teacher brings out your best? And what type of authority figure triggers the anxiety and nervousness lurking inside you? Research your options and choose an instructor that will help push you to your fitness limits.

3. Arrive Early

Arriving early gives you a chance to get familiar with the room where the class is held. It also gives you the opportunity to meet other people, thereby making yourself feel more at ease.

Most importantly, arriving early allows you to introduce yourself to your instructor. Let the instructor know that this is your first time in class and the instructor will probably keep an eye on you to offer personal assistance if needed.

4. Dress Appropriately and Prepare Nutritionally

Typically, the fitness club’s description of the class will include suggestions for what to wear. Make sure you choose an outfit in which you’re comfortable. Don’t select fitness gear that’s too small with the idea of using the class to lose enough weight to eventually make the items fit.

The more intensive your workout, the more important it is to ensure you’re hydrated before, during, and after class. However, it’s best to avoid heavy meals.

Choose foods that are easily digestible as your pre-workout snack. Then, afterward, opt for foods known to help tired muscles recover.


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