What is BIN and need for BIN CHECKER?


In today’s life, everyone does shopping online and pays via debit card or credit card. There is chance for fraud while transferring online money for shopping. Any hacker hacks your debit card or credit card details and use for their benefit. You can save yourself from this fraud and all online shopping companies check your card details either you are real customer or not. Your card details will be checked using BIN checker tool. BIN is a Bank identification Number placed on debit card, credit card, value cards, gift cards or on any other cards. Learn more about Business, finance and marketing from this dedicated website https://supportltd.net/

First 6 digits from 16 digits of your card will be used for checking your card details. BIN checker tool tells you about all info like brand name of card, validity of card, and country in which card issued, and your card is issued by any institution or bank. Bank Identification Number is now known as issuer Identification Number (IIN). BIN is 6 digit unique number on your card which does not match any other card’s number. If you want to save from yourself any type of fraud, companies use the bin checker tool that tells company about your card details and searching will be on huge database.

Sometimes chances are that info about your card detail is not correct but it may be accurate. BIN checker tool is developed in such a manner that tool is user friendly and economically for all users.

If you are a card holder and want to check your card details, you have to check any of above given sites. Steps for checking your card details:

  • Go to any above mentioned sites.
  • There you will see a form for entering first 6 card digits.
  • Enter first 6 digits of card in form and click on “submit” button.
  • All necessary info about your card will be there.

You can also find some card’s brand name by their starting digits. Remember following points:

  • Visa bin list- card number starts with a4.
  • JCB bin list- 35 is starting number on JCB card.
  • Master card bin list- card range will be 51 through 55.
  • Diners bin list- card number starting range may be 300 through 305, 36 or 38.
  • Amex bin list- a 37 is starting card number for Amex cards.

If you want all card details that are valid among all over world, you must visit https://www.bindb.com/bin-list.html. In this page, you will get all card’s first 6 digit number according to alphabets.

In past years, bin checker is available to only some authenticated users. No one can use them. But, now every small business may use bin checker which is available online to free from any kind of fraud. There have been lots of cases that vendors have done wrong purchases and result has to face for customers. If you have any doubt regarding any purchase, first contact to your bank,

If you are interested to learn more about business, visit our dedicated website https://www.richtopgroup.com/

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