Mark Roemer Provides You with Ways to Be Happy Everyday


Table of Contents


Time and again, it has been said that happiness is a journey and not a destination. According to Mark Roemer, happiness is an emotion and you just need to make some changes in your daily routine to remain happy every day.

The Ways

Here are some ways with the help of which you can remain happy every day:

  1. Sleep for seven to nine hours every day – If you want to remain happy, the first thing that you need to do is to have enough sleep at night which is at least 7 to 9 hours. Not getting sufficient sleep can reduce your ability to maintain awareness and increase several health issues such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. It can also prevent you from maintaining healthy relationships. Also, when you have health issues you can never remain in a good mood. So, try to have enough sleep if you want to remain happy.
  2. Practice meditation – The next thing that you need to do for remaining happy throughout the day is to practice meditation at least for five to ten minutes every day. When you start your day with meditation, it will set your day with positive intention. Meditation will also allow you to detach yourself from any kind of thought barriers and lower your stress and anxiety. So, practicing meditation for a few minutes in the early morning can certainly help you to remain happy throughout the entire day.
  3. Help others as much as possible – When you help others, it can have an effect of making you happy. Helping the needy people is not only good for them but it can also help you to remain happier. Aristotle said that happiness in life can be found by loving others rather than being loved by others. So, if you want to remain happy in life you must help others in whatever way you can.
  4. Commit to doing one nice thing every day – Another great way to remain happy is to do a nice thing for yourself every day. For example, if you like singing then you should sing at least once every day. This is actually a way to treat yourself with love and kindness. So, doing a thing that you like every day will motivate you to take better care of yourself which will, in turn, keep you happy throughout the day.
  5. Forgive yourself and others – Lastly, the biggest mantra to remain happy is to forgive yourself as well as others. Everybody does something wrong in their life and you will always get into trouble if you try to become perfect in life or expect others to be perfect.

So, if you want to remain happy then you must adopt the quality of love and forgiveness. By forgiving others and yourself for small mistakes, you will be able to build self-love and become happier in life.


According to Mark Roemer, your attitude towards life can greatly affect whether you experience happiness and satisfaction in life. So, always try to keep a positive attitude as harboring a negative attitude will only make you miserable.

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